The Missing Prep Step that's Costing You Dream Clients

Most people don't realize that your most Powerful Prospect Meeting begins days... even weeks, before your meeting. Closing the Deal starts with preparation.

Our Prospect Prep Plan will help you:

  • Walk into your meeting with CONFIDENCE
  • Position yourself as the GUIDE, ready to solve your prospect's problem
  • Get your Ideal Clients & Projects to say YES

Hello from Cara Jackson & Julie Sellers

Together, we have a combined 40 years(!) of Business Development experience. Throughout our careers, we've produced >$100M: as entrepreneurs; in teeing up new business for clients; and in generating new business for large professional services firms.

Throughout our four decades of practice, we've honed our personal styles. And when we've married them with the Ellevated Outcomes Business Development Process: from relationship development, to lead generation, to closing deals, we have generated staggering financial results. And better yet: the deals and money we generate, have come through real relationships with intentionality and authenticity, every step of the way.

Over the past 6 years, our team at Ellevated Outcomes has worked one-on-one with 90 small businesses, helping them make more money and do their best creative work, while being true to themselves.

Our Closing-the-Deal tips will make you stand out to your Ideal Clients, positioning you as the solution to solve their problem. You'll walk into your prospect meetings with confidence, increasing the number of Dream Deals you close, money you make, and people you help.